Former California SEIU Leader Booked on Tax Fraud, Embezzlement, Perjury, and Other Charges

The former executive director of California’s SEIU and her husband were charged with a number of crimes including tax fraud, embezzlement, perjury, and failure to pay unemployment insurance taxes. Alma Hernandez resigned from her post as the executive director on Wednesday. The union represents over 700,000 people and is one of the most politically influential unions donating millions to Democratic candidates such as Gavin Newsom. 

Attorney General Rob Bonta charged Hernandez and her husband, Jose Moscoso, on October 4th. The charges included five felony counts of filing false tax returns and under-reporting their income by $1.4 million over five years. The couple could face prison time as they owe the state $140,000. Hernandez is also facing two charges of grand theft and one count of perjury. Hernandez had represented the SEIU California since 2016. 

The charges come from her work as a treasurer in 2014 on a political action committee supporting a State Senator. She reportedly directed $12,000 to her husband to provide food services that never happened. Moscoso also faces charges of not reporting wages and failing to pay employment taxes. Their attorney Jeffery Tsai said outside a Sacramento County courthouse, “We disagree with the charges in this case, and they misrepresent the true facts reflecting their hard work to make an honest life for themselves and their family”. 

The charges against Hernandez and her husband is just another problem facing SEIU in recent months. SEIU 1000 is attempting to remove newly elected president Richard Brown after he attempted to move the union away from political and social activities. Hernandez and her husband’s charges only bring more controversy to SEIU. 

Photo Cred: Gus Ruelas/ Reuters