Rep. Issa Introduces COVID Vaccine Bill That Would Allow Exemption to Vaccine

Written by William Hale

Representative Darrel Issa recently introduced legislation that would save millions of jobs in light of the federal vaccine mandates. Issa is a Republican serving California’s 50th District — the central and northeastern parts of San Diego County.

The official summary for H.R. 5642, or the Follow Accepted Science Together Act, is “To make any individual who is demonstrated to have antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19 exempt from any Federal mandate for vaccination against COVID-19.” Of course, the Biden administration has mandated the COVID-19 vaccines to all federal employees, a move that has unquestionably resulted in financial insecurity among millions of Americans. Vaccine mandates have also generated institutional instability here in San Diego, as many city workers including hundreds of police officers have explicitly rejected mandates. 

Issa’s proposed legislation offers an easing of vaccine-induced tension widespread throughout the nation. According to Issa, the Bill was “developed with a scientific approach” with the Congressmen highlighting the well understood fact that individuals previously infected by a virus have “suitable and substantial protection” once recovered from said virus.

To be sure, it is not so much the vaccines themselves that Issa and many other Republicans are concerned with. In fact, the Congressmen expressed support for the vaccination effort, “[The vaccines] have helped millions of Americans — myself included.” However, mandates are a prime example of Government micromanaging, and the policy does not exist in harmony with the values that define our nation. To summarize with Issa’s words, mandates are “killing jobs and causing chaos.”

Photo Cred: Chris Stone