California Education System Continues to Sink, Massive Cuts Expected

Written by Nathaniel Manor

The financial wells have dried up as California public schools make budget cuts. For example, San Francisco Unified must cut $1 billion from their budget, accounting for a 13% decrease. But some school systems face even worse predicaments as West Contra Costa Unified considers laying off teachers, and Hayward Unified could close their schools.

The pandemic is ending, which means more children can come back to school, and attendance determines government funding. Something doesn’t add up here. Why are public schools facing cutbacks then? The answer is simple. Student enrollment has declined dramatically as 160,000 children have pulled out of the California school system due to the pandemic, the most significant enrollment decline in 20 years.

There are many reasons why parents pulled their students out of public education. One is the unconstitutional vaccine mandate that the Gavin Newsom forced on California that doesn’t consider the medical or religious exemptions. Just yesterday, parents pulled their children out of school in protest of the mandate which will cost schools money since they make money based off of attendance numbers. Speaking of religion, public schools no longer accommodate dietary restrictions aligning with religious affiliations. This measure primarily impacts Muslim students. Muslims students who keep the the halal diet will have to settle for vegetarian school meals which are already in short supply due to the supply bottleneck across the nation. This undercuts the Democratic message of “tolerance” for other cultures, but the looney Left will brush the hypocrisy off as always.

But the most significant factor is  critical race theory. With Zoom classes, parents closely observed their children’s curriculum and found their kids identifying themselves solely by race and then assigned them either “victim” or “oppressor” labels. Now I’m no expert, but isn’t singling out people for their skin color the very definition of racism? If someone taught your kids the pernicious belief that their skin color was the be-all-end-all determinate of their life trajectory, would you turn a blind eye to the indoctrination scheme?

As always, this example illustrates that bigotry never wins in America. Hopefully, the public school system learns from its mistakes and abandons CRT. many parents are waking up and realizing the damage that the public school system is having on their children and are choosing new education paths that fit their children better.

Photo Cred: Anne Wernikoff