Congressman Darrell Issa Barred From Afghan Camp in Qatar by Biden Administration

Written by Andrew Morris

California Republican Congressman Darrel Issa was denied visitation of the Qatar afghan refugee camp by the Biden Administration following a request sent in September.

In a phone call with Fox News, Issa stated he was “frustrated that the administration decided to deny us oversight of the remaining refugees here or any real access to these centers.” 

“Nobody said that there would be a problem with DOD until after we were here and then they started talking about how they were in the final stages and didn’t have the resources, basically they didn’t want us to meet with refugees and hear their stories,” Issa said. 

Issa also stated in a comment that California Democratic Rep. Lou Correa also sought access to Qatar and was denied as well.

In the past few weeks, politicians from both sides have reached out to US Central Command requesting access to the Qatar Embassy. As of now however, no one has had any success.

Recent concerns for Afghan refugees have been raised upon news of arrests of two Afghan men caught in multiple accounts of sex crimes and domestic violence. Such crimes have skyrocketed after Biden’s blunder several weeks ago in allowing the Taliban to take over Afghanistan.

It is becoming blatantly obvious that the Biden Administration has no intention of yielding its disastrous decision to leave Afghanistan, even  keeping the press and other elected officials away from reporting on it. Undoubtedly, if the press from all sides of the isle released stories of refugees’ personal lives and struggles as a direct result of Biden’s buffoonery.

Photo Cred: Gregory Bull/ AP