The Fight Against Vaccine Mandates Continues

Written by Amanda Angulo

On Wednesday, October 6, the Los Angeles City Council leaders approved yet another mandate that requires those entering many indoor spaces to be vaccinated. 

This ordinance was passed by an approval of 11-2, which now mandates proof of both or full (as some have started to receive their booster shot) vaccines in order to enter restaurants, bars, shopping malls, gyms, museums, spas, nail salons, sports arenas, and other indoor facilities in the city starting by November 4. 

If San Diego County decides to follow in the footsteps of Los Angeles, many San Diego business owners are getting ready to oppose and fight the mandate. Such a scenario is likely due to Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to be quite the follower and supporter of Gov. Newsom’s policies, mandates, and shutdowns throughout the entire pandemic. 

This will also affect the livelihoods of millions of people, now that the current vaccine eligibility includes children 12 and up.

Lou Uridel, owner of Metroflex Gym, located in Oceanside, stated in an interview with KUSI that this new mandate, and all those concerning vaccine mandates are, “one of the stupidest things” that could happen. Uridel has been one of the most vocal business leaders against shutdowns and mandates. 

“We already have a hard time with the job market going on,” Uridel said. “We have to unite together and say ‘no more’ ”. Uridel encouraged others to follow his lead in standing up to people like Gavin Newsom and cited the Southwest Airlines situation as an example as what people can do when they organize and stand up to mandates. 

The business owner also continued to slam Nathan Fletcher for extending the state of emergency in the county, when there is no reason to. However, Uridel claimed that the Board of Supervisors will feel they have the power to do “whatever they want to do” if this goes through. 

Photo Cred: KUSI