Biden Comptroller of The Currency Nominee Has a Number of Ties to Marxism

When Neera Tanden’s nomination to the Office of Management and Budget was pulled by the Biden administration for vulgar past tweets, some thought that Biden would be more careful with his nominees to other positions. He seems to not have learned as his nominee to Comptroller of the Currency has spent her academic career pushing Marxism and other Marxist theories. With her hearing scheduled soon, top Republicans want copies of her academic papers to see just how far her positions go.

Saule Omarova is the nominee to Comptroller of the Currency, an independent bureau within the Treasury Department. Omarova is originally from Kazakhstan, then part of the Soviet Union. Her political rise first began in school, where she became the leader of the local Komsomol, a Young Communist group. Her first academic degree came from Moscow State University, where she studied “scientific Communism”, a subject whose sole purpose is to perfect Communist revolutions. She came to the United States in 1991 where she received a PhD from the University of Wisconsin and a JD from Northwestern University. She worked in financial law for a number of years before she became a professor at University of North Carolina and currently teaches at Cornell Law School. 

Her academic work and views on banking is what has many Republicans angry. She has advocated for moving private financial accounts into the Federal Reserve. Her thesis was titled, “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in the Capital”. This paper is the one under question and it seems that Omarova is trying to distance herself from it, as it has been wiped from her resume. Republican Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, one of the top Republicans on the Banking Committee has called for Omarova to hand over her thesis. Toomey has already started his criticism of her nomination saying, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more radical choice for any regulatory spot in our federal government. She clearly has an aversion to anything like free market capitalism.” If approved, Omarova would be the first woman and non-white Comptroller of the Currency. 

It is very obvious that Omarova is an avowed communist that has made a living pushing Marxist theories in both education and in the private sector. If approved, the United States would have someone who believes in full government control of banking and the end of private bank accounts.

Photo Cred: Christopher Gregory/ The New York Times