Newsom Snubs Republican Elected Officials from Oil Spill Press Conference

After the massive oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach in Orange County Governor Newsom visited the area to look at the damage and held a press conference with local elected officials. However, one elected official was absent from the conference.

Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen was not invited to join Newsom at his press conference. Nguyen represents the 72nd Assembly District which includes Huntington Beach and the impacted areas. Nguyen responded to her non-invitation on twitter saying, “I am disappointed that even though the oil spill has had an impact in my district, I was not invited or even informed of the press conference that was held with only Democratic elected officials. It is unfortunate that the Governor has viewed this as a partisan issue. Protecting all of my constituents regardless of their party preference is my #1 priority.”  Nguyen’s anger is certainly understandable, as she clearly wants what is best for her constituents and needs to be with Governor Newsom to make sure her constituents are heard. 

Newsom may have not wanted Nguyen to attend because he used the press conference to take swipes at Republicans and the Trump administration, “I want the Trump administration folks, all those folks out there, all those Republicans out there who still think the answer to the problem is more offshore drilling to just know: Not in our backyard. It won’t happen.” Democrats are already using this spill as a way to pass legislation to put restrictions on offshore drilling. State Senator Dave Min who represents Huntington Beach says he will introduce a bill to ban new and current oil infrastructure in state waters. Newsom has already stated his plan to end fracking by 2024 and it seems this spill may expedite that agenda. 

Gavin Newsom has seemingly turned an issue that was non-partisan and meant to bring people together into a partisan issue that he and democrats will use to push more far-left policies. 

Photo Cred: Rich Pedroncelli/ Associated Press