Biden Admits He Would Sign a Reconciliation Bill Including the Hyde Amendment

The President told reporters on Tuesday night that he would be willing to sign a reconciliation bill that involved the Hyde amendment, which is guaranteed to cause a conflict among progressives. 

After decades of bipartisan support for the Hyde amendment, the Democrats now look to push the federal government to fund abortion in the reconciliation bill and remove the Hyde Amendment.

Senator Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator from West Virginia and a key swing vote in the Senate, has asserted that the Hyde amendment must be incorporated into a spending bill. 

When asked if he was ok if the Hyde amendment is in the bill, Biden responded, “I want to get the bill passed.” When asked if he would sign the reconciliation package with the Hyde amendment in it, Biden responded with: “I’d sign it either way.”

Biden has flipped on his position on Hyde a couple of times, originally rescinding his decades-long support amidst pressure from progressives during the 2020 primaries. He had planned on removing Hyde from his budget but is nearing deadlines while Congress is still in a stalemate.

Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said she would not vote for a bill that included Hyde, although this may not matter as the Democrats already have the majority in the house. The Senate is where the Democrats are tied with the Republicans, which is likely where the negotiations are going to take place.

The majority whip Dick Durbin told CNN that he was open to a bill that included Hyde saying that he doesn’t, ” want to let the entire package break down over that issue.”

Photo Cred: Jonathan Ernst/ Reuters