Parents Across the United States Angered at DOJ for Suggesting Parents are ‘Domestic Terrorists’ for Attending School Board Meetings

Written by William Hekman

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is under increased scrutiny from parents all across the country after a decision was made to investigate possible violent acts against school boards. School boards have become a new area for debate as more and more parents are becoming involved in their children’s education and are starting to realize some of the insane ideas that are being taught. The DOJ’s investigation comes after the National School Boards Association (NSBA) asked the Biden admin to assist them, saying that threats of violence to board members were on par with domestic terrorism. THe NASB asked Biden to use the Patriot Act as means for investigation, which was passed after 9/11 to go after terrorists. 

Parents and education groups  everywhere in America were angered by the DOJ’s decision. Asra Nomani, the vice president of investigations and strategy at Parents Defending Education said in a twitter video, “You owe parents an apology!” Parents Defending Education put up a form on their website that would direct emails to the DOJ regarding their decision and published a statement on twitter from their president Nicole Nelly, “It is shameful that activists are weaponizing the US Department of Justice against parents. This is a coordinated attempt to intimidate dissenting voices in debates surrounding America’s underperforming K-12 education and it will not succeed.” Nomani and fellow education activist Nicole Solas changed their twitter names to include “domestic terrorist” as a jab at Attorney General Merrick Garland. 

In a memo from Garland, he did not use the term domestic terrorism but did say that the FBI is investigating the matter, “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.” 

This memo and investigation has certainly spooked parents. With things such as CRT and mask mandates being pushed in schools around the country, parents have taken a more concerned interest in their children’s education, and going to the school board is a parent’s best way to fix education issues. But with this investigation parents fear they will have to walk on eggshells or be arrested for voicing their concerns. 

Photo Cred: Mandel Ngan Associated Press