Holocaust Survivors and Descendants Urge Newsom to Veto AB 101

Recently,  lawmakers in the State of California have decided to continue on with Assembly Bill 101, which will require ethic studies to be taught in public high schools.

However, there have been Holocaust survivors and members of the Jewish community, urging for Governor Newsom to veto the bill, because they claim it can promote anti-Semitic content within the classroom.

The Director of Education from Club Z, a national organization for Jewish teenagers, Naya Lekht, spoke on Good Morning San Diego, to speak on the issue of AB 101.

During her appearance, the director was describing how the organization she is a part of is not against ethnic studies being taught, but more so with the content that could potentially promote anti-Zionism, calling Israel a discriminatory state, and calling Jewish people privileged. 

“This topic is indeed quite urgent,” Lekht continued “instead of celebrating the different ethnicities, everything is divided by skin color. That is racism.” The Director of Club Z went on to explain that AB 101 can place Jewish students in an uncomfortable situation in which they do not wish to publicly identify themselves as Jews. 

Lekht also stated that the curriculum that the lawmakers and State of California is trying to pass through is not healthy and even institutionalized very dangerous forms of racism and bigotry. 

While Leftists claim that the bill is supposed to help students and believe it is in their best interests, they do not understand, nor do they want to, that they are ironically also hurting those they wish to protect.

Photo Cred: Linda Jiang The Epoch Times