Newsom’s Mandate Is The Final Straw For Parents

Written by: Steven Frank

A viral movement in California is spreading throughout the internet: Keep your kids home from school on October 15. The purpose is to oppose the Newsom mandate to harm the children of California. Many view this mandate as the government eliminating parents’ from making health care decisions for their children. This comes on the heels of Newsom signing a bill saying that schools can secretly take children to get an abortion or a sex change operation without the knowledge or permission of the parents.

Hours after Governor Gavin Newsom announced a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for all schoolchildren of FDA approval age in California, homeschooling and tutoring websites shot up dramatically, with some even crashing due to the sheer volume of users going onto their sites.

The mandate, which covers all public and private school children, allows for either independent study or homeschooling options if they don’t receive the vaccine. Many parents in California view the new mandate as an effort to increase vaccinations as a whole, however, disregarding the health and safety of their kids. As the Globe noted last month, parents have already pulled 160,000 students from public schools due to the pandemic, fueling a homeschooling boom since last year.

Parents are standing up to Newsom as they are frustrated with the government telling them what to do with their kids. For many, it is the last straw. For over a year, California residents have suffered mandate after mandate that has affected how business owners operate their company and even the livelihood of going outside without a mask on. Many have suffered through these mandates. However, now that they are spilling onto the children, parents have decided that enough is enough, and now they are standing up to Newsom’s regime.


Photo from: ABC 7 News (Screenshot)