Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Is Described As A Trojan Horse For Socialism

Written by: Natalia Perez

Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C) said that he found a few “ashen” Democrats in the House elevators following the failure to vote on President Biden’s infrastructure plan, which he called a “Trojan horse.”
The infrastructure measure passed the Senate in August, but the House hasn’t had as much luck, facing infighting between progressives and moderates over Biden’s massive $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package. The far-left wing of the Democratic caucus, which is in favor of the spending package, refused to back the former without agreement on the latter.

Budd called the infrastructure bill “a Trojan horse to get us more socialism,” suggesting Biden had misled when he campaigned as a moderate during the 2020 presidential election.

Budd said the infrastructure plan may have been advertised as bipartisan, but “only 10% of the 1.2 trillion” of the $110 billion would be funneled toward roads and bridges. Reports show that the measure includes a sizable amount of money for environmental provisions such as $5 billion for electric cars for the federal government fleet, $50 million for community climate incentive grants, and $1 billion for an “electrical vehicle charging equity program.”

Budd also blamed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the delayed vote for failing to keep an earlier pledge she made to moderate Democrats. He knew firsthand how upset Democrats were when they realized the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill had been shelved for the moment, he shared.

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