Hundreds Of San Diego Employees Face Suspension After Failing To Provide Vaccination Status

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

Politics has engulfed every aspect of our daily lives; from sports to jobs to schools, we’re never safe from the ire of the Left. The Left hates us so much that they politicized a global pandemic to keep us locked out of our churches and schools while they excused the BLM rioters who burned down cities during the summer of 2020. Now the houseplant we call the president wants to fine businesses with 100 or more employees who refuse to mandate vaccines, and this looming shadow has reached not-so-sunny San Diego.

588 City of San Diego employees faces discipline as they failed to disclose their vaccination status to their employers on September 27, though the original notification date was August 13. San Diego also mandates that employees receive both vaccine doses by December 1. And if you don’t wish to comply with this totalitarian madness, you face suspension without pay and even firing from your job.

“The City follows a progressive discipline model. All discipline is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and is dependent on the totality of circumstances for each employee and any previous discipline for misconduct that they had received,” said Nicole Darling, director of the city’s communication department. Oh yes, because when I think of progress, I think of bullying your underlings when you try to interfere in their personal lives. So very progressive.

But in all seriousness, Americans had almost a year to get vaccinated thanks to Trump, the man the Left claims started the anti-vax movement. If people haven’t received their shots yet, it’s because they chose not to. I believe that the Covid-19 vaccines are effective and a scientific miracle given how quickly scientists developed and rolled them out. However, it’s not the role of the government at any level to tell people how to live their lives, and every day the houseplant and his handlers intimidate us with vaccine wokeness is another step towards totalitarianism.