Milley Warns Of Potential Rebuilding Of Terrorist Groups

Written by: Amanda Angulo

On Wednesday, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley stated there is “a real possibility” that al Qaeda or ISIS could form once again in Afghanistan as soon as spring of 2022.

Gen. Milley even dared to say that the terrorist threat is less than it was in 9/11, but “the conditions could be set for a reconstitution of al Qaeda and/or ISIS.” He also told legislators at a House Armed Services Committee hearing that “it’s a real possibility in the not too distant future, six, 12, 18, 24, 36 months, that kind of timeframe, for reconstitution of al Qaeda or ISIS.”

Even Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, agreed with Milley’s statements. “Al Qaeda has been degraded over time. Now, terrorist organizations seek ungoverned spaces so that they can train and equip and thrive and, and so, there is a possibility that that can happen here, going forward,” he claimed. “Our goal is to maintain a laser-like focus on this so that it doesn’t happen.”

Only, they did let that happen. Commander in Chief Biden decided to botch the withdrawal process of American troops and instead broke the American promise to “never leave a man behind”. They did all of that without accountability for what could occur if we left Afghanistan in such a hastily manner.

In February of 2020, the Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban, agreeing to withdraw American forces in exchange for the promise that Islamic terrorist groups do not form there or use the country for attacks. This deal is now in question, whether the Taliban will stand by their agreement.

“While I won’t rule anything out, I would just say it’s not preordained that we will go back or have to go back into Afghanistan again. But if we do, the military will provide good credible options to be able to do that and to be effective,” said Austin.

Not only did the Biden administration and his minions ultimately make a catastrophe, but they are also causing the possibility of a return to the country they just left due to potential formations of ISIS or al Qaeda terrorist cells.