Newsom Signs Series Of Bills To Support Illegal Immigrants

Written by: Natalia Perez 

On Friday, Gavin Newsom signed legislation to remove the word “alien” from state codes. The bill entitled AB 1096 removes the term “alien” when describing people born outside this country. “Alien” will be replaced with what is deemed less offensive terminology such as “immigrant” or “non-citizen.”

Newsom recently said in an interview that “this important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative. By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”

Additionally, Newsom also signed an array of other bills that seek to protect the health and safety of immigrants. The new legislation includes:

  • Better clarity of safety standards at detention facilities.
  • Ensuring their rights and protections for unaccompanied undocumented minors.
  • Protection for immigrants under hate crime legislation.

With all this newfound legislation Newsom is signing, one has to ask: is he ever going to do anything to help out the legal residents of California (the ones who pay taxes so he can sign bills). Newsom continues to neglect the taxpaying citizens of California by solely focusing on making illegal immigrants feel better.


Photo from: AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli