Lawmakers Seek To Repeal War Authorizations From 1991, 2001, And 2002

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor 

Although the war in Afghanistan is over, the conflict still divides Congress as their latest move could threaten America’s safety. Three authorizations of the use of military force (AUMF) are on the chopping block for repeal: the war authorizations from 1991, 2001, and 2002. A war authorization allows a president to send in military personnel to respond quickly to a conflict. Thus repealing an AUMF hinders the president’s ability to act decisively in times of crisis.

While the 1991 and 2002 war authorizations will pass the filibuster threshold, the 2001 AUMF doesn’t have Republican support. Senator Todd Young (R-IN), the leading voice in favor of the AUMF, stated, “I think there’s going to be a real near-term focus on making sure that Congress re-asserts its control over the time and how we make war, but I think folks will be apprehensive about revisiting the 2001 AUMF. There have to be legal authorities like those under the 2001 AUMF that allow this and future administrations to carry out a war on terror.” Plus, Biden’s pullout from the region only worsened this move.

Democrats have suggested replacing all three AUMFs with new ones that focus on sending troops against specific terrorist groups rather than countries. But that raises the issues of the Taliban, which now owns Afghanistan. If this legislation passes, it will force the U.S. to work with the Taliban to eliminate ISIS and ISIS K, therefore recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate government in the country.

Not everyone is satisfied with the Democrats’ plan, even among the wokest of us. General Mark Miley fired back, saying, “This is a ruthless group from the past.” But, of course, Miley resents the Taliban because they’re not diverse enough for him. So maybe we should send Miley in himself to lecture the Taliban on “white fragility” and “male privilege” rather than using force, that’ll show them.


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