Stanford Kills Free Speech And REAL Science

First published by: The Federalist

Written by: Stephen Frank 

Stanford is a University that charges a lot of money to miseducate, bully, and harm the health of your children. “Last week, anonymous posters with the portrait of Stanford University Professor of Medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya were plastered on kiosks around the Stanford campus, linking him to COVID deaths in Florida. Even though cumulative age-adjusted COVID mortality is lower in Florida than in most large states, these smears appeared.

Taking it one step further, the chair of Stanford’s epidemiology department, Professor Melissa Bondy, circulated a petition among faculty members demanding that the university president exercise his obligation “to clarify for the faculty the limits of public pronouncements when proclaiming on public health policy.”
The petitioners are upset that “several Stanford faculty members have publicly advocated for policies for others that are contrary to those the university has adopted” and that “these recommendations are disturbing and contrary to public health standards; they foster uncertainty and anxiety and put lives at risk.”

Fauci lied—and people died. Newsom and Cuomo lied, people died. Now a professor is telling the truth—and the Luddites running Stanford want him to die. Stanford is to education what Chicago is to honest government.


Photo from: Kirby Lee via AP