Terrorist’s Continue To Defy U.S. As Hazbollah Delivers Oil Into Lebanon

Written by: Natalia Perez

Hezbollah delivered its first shipment of Iranian fuel into Lebanon on Thursday. Hezbollah is an Iranian-backed terrorist organization that is also the most powerful political party in Lebanon. While Hezbollah supporters applauded the delivery, the move could ultimately impose U.S. restrictions on an already weak Lebanese economy.

The U.S. and Lebanon warned Hezbollah that they did not authorize fuel imports, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran. Due to the Biden administration’s weak enforcement of foreign policy, Hezbollah took advantage and went ahead and delivered the fuel. Instead, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah took the lead and warned the U.S. and Israel not to intercept Iran’s fuel tankers when they set sail in mid-August.

On Thursday, the Hezbollah leader declared that they had officially “broken the American siege” by transporting the fuel into Lebanon. Furthermore, the Iranian media, such as Tasnim, quickly anoint Nasrallah as “the savior of Lebanon,” an apparent jab at American policy.

Tasnim continued to taunt the U.S. by insisting the Biden administration must lift all sanctions against Syria, which serves as the primary source of oil from Iran to Lebanon. Critics worry that border talks will be persistent between Palestine and Lebanon if Hezbollah continues to transport oil.

It is unclear what the Biden administration’s stance currently is. However, based on their previous handling with terrorist organizations, for example, the Taliban, it would not be surprising if they neglect this matter until it blows up in their face. To say the least, during Biden’s time as Vice President to Obama, up to his current role as President; foreign policy has not been his strong suit.


Photo from: Aziz Taher/Reuters