Rand Paul Calls For General Mark Milley To Be Fired

Written by: Sasha Reva

Rand Paul, Senator of Kentucky, is calling for the removal of General Mark Milley if his secret calls to China are confirmed. He is calling for him to be interviewed and face accountability for his actions. It is inconceivable that a general would go behind the president’s back and have conversations with perhaps America’s greatest threat in the modern age.

Senator Paul said: “It should be investigated immediately, today, he should be questioned under oath, if not with a polygraph test, on whether it happened. If it happened, he should be immediately relieved of his duties and court-martialed. You have to find out if it’s true. This is innuendo and rumor and propaganda, perhaps. But, if it is true he absolutely immediately needs to be removed.”

The general has yet to respond to allegations. However, more information will surface in the ensuing days. If his conversations with China are confirmed, this presents a massive breach in trust between a Commander-in-Chief and his general. This breach of trust is what is so problematic to Senator Paul. Trump has recently commented on this report saying: “(General Milley) should be replaced with someone who is actually willing to defend our military from the leftist radicals who hate our country and flag.”


Photo from: Steve Helber/AP Photo