Two Senators (Democrat and Republican) Demand Biden Protect Journalists in Afghanistan

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

Since pulling out of Afghanistan, both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have criticized Biden’s decision which saw the embassy in Kabul fall like Saigon and left hundreds of Americans and Afghan allies stranded. Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Peter Meijer (R-MI) were the first bipartisan lawmakers to stand against the Biden Administration. They flew to the Kabul International Airport and observed the chaos first-hand. Now two senators from opposing parties joined the fight against Biden.

Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) urged President Biden to support the Afghan journalists left behind. The Senators authored a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, saying: “There are concerns that given their long history of attacks on journalists, the Taliban will eliminate a free and open media and continue to suppress, imprison, and violently target the press.”

The senators wished to partner with media members and other non-governmental organizations to provide the journalists with jobs to continue reporting from Afghanistan, even as the U.S. ended formal relations with the country. “Their knowledge of Afghanistan and the region is invaluable, and their skills should be used to provide news not only to the people in Afghanistan but to inform those outside of the country about current events in Afghanistan.” But that assumes that the Taliban will play nice. Remember, this is the same terrorist group that destroyed the Twin Towers and attempted to demolish the Pentagon and White House while not taking responsibility for their actions.

The 200 journalists left in Afghanistan are not guaranteed safety as the Taliban has an unfortunate history of torturing and killing anyone who opposes their genocidal plan. Not to mention that the female journalists could become sex slaves while Biden continues to pat himself on the back for a “job well done.” Right now, Biden’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’ and 2022 will be the proof of his failure to act as President.