Biden’s Drone Missile Hit Innocent Family Instead Of ISIS-K

Written by William Hekman

On Sunday, the U.S stated they had killed members of the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, more commonly known as ISIS-K. However, contradicting what the Pentagon initially said, the attack did not hit the intended target. Instead, it killed ten members of two Afghan families, with the victims ranging from ages two to forty. The families were attempting to flee the country via the Kabul airport after the Taliban gained control of their country.

Aimal Ahmadi was one of the survivors, completely devastated by the death of his nieces and nephews. He is also infuriated with the Afghan and international media, who claim that his family was ISIS-K fighters: “They were innocent, helpless children.” Aimal was out getting groceries when the attack happened and said he would have died had he not been out. Among the victims were two-year-old Malika and Aimal’s forty-year-old brother, Zemarai. Zemarai and his family were getting ready to leave Afghanistan for the United States and teaching his children how to drive before their arrival. According to Aimal the missile hit their car as the family piled in.

Neighbors described the missile attack as a “horror scene,” and unfortunately, events such as this have become too familiar in Afghanistan. U.S command stated they carried out “a self-defense unmanned over-the-horizon airstrike today on a vehicle in Kabul, eliminating an imminent ISIS-K threat.” They also said they would be “assessing the possibilities of civilian casualties” but maintain their belief that no civilians were killed. However, the victim’s families are incensed by the actions and words of the U.S. While the media was covering the drone strike as an ISIS-K retaliation, Aimal and his neighbors gruesomely picked up the remains of their loved ones.

The Ahmadi family had a special immigration visa which offered them a chance to escape to the U.S, and they posed no terror threat. Aimal’s brother-in-law, Nase Nejrabi, had previously served in the Afghan Army. Aimal stated, “they worked for private companies, served in the military, and were part of the government. What would make anyone think they’re terrorists?” Neighbors have also urged the U.S to open a real investigation into why the family was targeted. The attack on the family continues to hurt the Biden Administration, as he used this event to self promote himself instead of acknowledging a horrific tragedy.


Photo from: Khwaja Tawfiq Sediqi, Associated Press