State Audit Report Highlights Newsom’s Carelessness

Written by: Stephen Frank

A recent report from the California State Auditor highlights egregious problems that Newsom committed in vital state agencies under his control— providing further evidence of his incompetence as governor and an unfavorable assessment as he faces the recall election on Sep. 14.

Elaine M. Howle, the auditor of the report, periodically warns of agencies that present a “high risk to the state.”

The report features high-risk statewide issues that cover a broad range of aspects, including water infrastructure, information security, and state management of COVID‑19 federal funds. Furthermore, the report concludes that five state agencies meet our criteria for posing a high risk: the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the California Department of Technology, the California Department of Health Care Services, the California Department of Public Health, and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System.

The two primary concerns within the report are the Employment Development Department (EDD) and water infrastructure. The EDD functions as an agency where Californians obtain unemployment payments. However, the agency has been riddled with fraud and mismanagement, which has led to billions of dollars down the drain.

The report states: “EDD did not take substantive action to bolster its fraud detection efforts for its unemployment insurance program until months into the pandemic, resulting in payments of about $10.4 billion for claims that it has since determined may be fraudulent.”

As for water infrastructure, the auditor noted a concern about California’s “ability to maintain reliable access to water,” especially when California has been in a severe drought. She further states that “The condition of some of the State’s potentially most hazardous dams and the related emergency planning remains a concern.”

Newsom has carelessly led California into a dire state. This report highlights the bleak future that he has paved for the state. In this recall election, it is essential to consider that if he holds office for several more years, the damages he will inflict on California may be irreversible. At the end of the day, voters have nothing to lose with Gavin Newsom, except for corruption, mismanagement and arrogance.


Image from: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images