Two Congressman Take Unauthorized Trip To Afghanistan

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

Joe Biden’s many qualities make him the worst president of this century. From letting undocumented immigrants overrun the Southern Border, overinflating the economy, and picking a vice president solely on her sex and race (the very definition of sexism and racism), Biden will go down in history as an embarrassment to the presidency and America. In layman’s terms, we are sadly witnessing Jimmy Carter’s second term.

His latest failure comes from the Afghan pullout, which led to ISIS bombing the Kabul airport killing over 90 people, 13 of whom were U.S. soldiers. Thankfully, bipartisan support among lawmakers against the withdrawal stands strong, especially with two representatives.

Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Peter Meijer (R-MI) traveled to Afghanistan when the situation deteriorated quicker than anticipated. The Biden Administration covered up Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s location, which was a breaking point for the Congressmen. Both Iraq war veterans flew to the UAE and then to Kabul to talk with State Department officials and U.S. troops.

Upon returning home, they were reprimanded by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the trip was unauthorized. That’s interesting considering Pelosi went to Syria in 2007 to meet with President Bashar al-Assad in defiance of President George Bush.

Moulton and Meijer shared their insights and discoveries during an interview with the New York Times. They said that 20,000 individuals were fleeing Afghanistan, but the Air Force worked hard to control the situation better. Moulton stated that every war veteran serving in Congress, including them, urged President Biden to extend the August 31 deadline to help evacuate more Americans and Afghan allies. Meijer lamented that America now relies on the Taliban to protect our citizens abroad and the chaos at the gates. He described how nothing prepares anyone “to take somebody in a wheelchair, and have to push them back out because they don’t meet the paperwork criteria.”

Both Congressman acknowledged that the U.S.’s worst part about leaving Afghanistan is all the Americans who won’t make it back home. The Biden Administration initially claimed that none of our allies would be left behind, then they shifted their stance and said that everyone who wants to come home can. Finally, they admitted point-blank that some Americans would inevitably stay stranded. How many? No one can say.

In the end, their blood is on Joe Biden’s hands. America has to stop treating its allies as afterthoughts and stand up to those who threaten democracy. A common saying is that America does not negotiate with terrorists. However, under this Administration, we are being controlled by them.