13 U.S. Soldiers Killed, The Most In Afghanistan Since 2011

Written by: William Hekman

Two suicide bombers attacked flocks of people crowding Kabul’s airport in Afghanistan, transforming the initial scene of desperation for those fleeing into a moment of horror, where those very people were tending to the wounded. The two explosions occurred at the airport’s Abbey gate and the Baron Hotel, located just outside the airport.

In total, the attacks killed over 90 people. Amongst those 90 include 13 U.S. soldiers. The most U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan in a single incident since 30 personnel died after the Taliban shot down a helicopter in August 2011. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby stated, “We can confirm that a number of U.S. service members were killed in today’s complex attack at Kabul airport. A number of others are being treated for wounds”. There are currently around 5,400 American service members in Afghanistan, aiding the evacuations and ensuring the safety of Americans and their allies.

Many in the United States are agitated with the Biden administration and demand answers or resignation. Multiple Republican elected officials have laid the blame on Biden. New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik stated, “Joe Biden has blood on his hands. The buck stops with the President of the United States. He is unfit to be Commander-in-Chief.”

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley also called for Biden to resign but stated her worry that the presidency would then be occupied by Kamala Harris, “Should Biden step down or be removed for his handling of Afghanistan? Yes. But that would leave us with Kamala Harris, which would be ten times worse. God help us.” Multiple other officials and pundits have also released statements criticizing the Biden administration and calling for his resignation. These are also the first U.S. military combat deaths in Afghanistan since February 2020. With the lack of protection for U.S. troops, many compare this situation in Afghanistan to Benghazi back in 2012.

There are still Americans stranded in Afghanistan, including students and their families from El Cajon. Local Congressman Darrell Issa has been working to secure their safety and has criticized the Biden administration’s failure to keep Americans safe, including calling Secretaries Blinken and Austin to testify.

More information will become available in the ensuing days. However, the American people have reached their boiling point with this administration. The majority of citizens disapprove of Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. It is time for accountability, not projection onto prior administrations and directors, especially for the family members of our fallen servicemen.


Photo from: Wali Sabawoon/AP