Californians For Equal Rights Foundation To Host A Rally Celebrating The American Dream On Aug. 28

Written by: Skyler Dale

Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER) is hosting a rally for unity entitled: “Don’t Divide Us.” The message is compelling, and now more than ever, communities need to come together and unite. The rally is celebrating a central theme found within all Americans: the American Dream.

CFER established itself upon the historic victory of the “No on Proposition 16” campaign in late 2020. Proposition 16 sought to restore affirmative action in California’s public sector. The premise of the proposition was to repeal Proposition 209, which banned the use of affirmative action in Public Employment, Education, and Contracting Decisions. The “No on 16” campaign succeeded primarily due to organizations like CFER educating the electorate on the harms of race-based decision-making.

After the victory, the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation formed a non-profit public benefit corporation with the mission to promote the cause of equal rights. Due to the various ongoing attacks on schools and other public domains, CFER recognized the necessity to transform into a more permanent structure. They are currently focusing on raising public awareness on the harms of critical race theory (CRT) and its varied real-life applications.

CFER has three primary objectives and purposes:

     1. “Defend and advocate the cause for equal rights.”
     2. “Promote civic engagement.”
     3. “Educate citizens and community members on pertinent issues of public interest.”

The rally is this Saturday, August 28, from 9 AM to 12 PM at the Waterfront Park on 1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego. Supporting organizations include the National Association of Scholars, Free Black Thought, Latino American Political Association, California School Choice Foundation, San Diego Asian Americans For Equality, Moms for Liberty, and We The Parents of Coronado.


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