American Liberty Forum Hosting Electoral Event, Speakers Include Larry Elder and Congressman Issa

Written by: Dan Summers 

The American Liberty Forum is an educational forum designed to raise awareness and help citizens learn about how to get involved with local, state, and federal political issues. They offer regular monthly meetings and host influential speakers on a variety of topics. The American Liberty Forum serves as a great way to connect with local elected officials and express to them public policy issues you believe in.

On Saturday, August 28th, the American Liberty Forum of Ramona will be hosting an important electoral event at the Mainstage Theater, 626 Main Street in Ramona. This free event will begin at 12:00 p.m. with the doors opening at 11:00 a.m. 

Speakers include: Mr. Larry Elder, Republican candidate for Governor. Congressman Darrell Issa. Mason Weaver, an inspirational speaker and author. Ruth Weiss from the Election Integrity Project. And Paula Whitsell, the Chair of the San Diego County Republican Party. 

They are anticipating an enormous crowd so plan on coming early, staying late, and bringing the kids!


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