Afghan Family Recently Relocates To San Diego

Written by: Skyler Dale 

The State Department and the U.S. Military say they are working as quickly as possible to get people out of Afghanistan. San Diego is expecting two more families to arrive in the coming days. The people who have already arrived in San Diego illustrate a stark image on life as the Taliban conquested their homeland.

An Afghan family of eight recently arrived in San Diego last month. They have been awaiting coming to the United States on a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) for five years. Their patience finally paid off, and it could not have come at a better time.

A younger family member remarked: “We are happy here, we are safe here, we all wish to continue our education here.”  As one can imagine, it is troublesome for them not to be with their other family members, especially when they cannot communicate with them for fear of what the Taliban would do. There is much dread that history will repeat itself from when the Taliban ruled last, where women were banned from going to school or even from going outside alone.

The family is very grateful to be in the United States. They are incredibly thankful for Catholic Charities, a resettlement facility that aids refugees with housing, medical, school, and employment. Catholic Charities is responsible for ensuring the livelihood concerning this family and the family’s that are to come.


Photo from: NBC 7 San Diego