“Woke Celebrities” Compare Trump Supporters To The Taliban

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

For years now, the mainstream media and celebrity crybabies have routinely attacked Donald Trump during his presidency simply for beating his opponent. But because Trump beat Hillary to the presidency, the Left painted Trump as an alt-right Nazi despite his condemnation of such groups. With Trump out of the White House, the Left can now pursue their real targets: ordinary citizens who support the previous president. And Steven Colbert is the latest professional victim to take a shot at us.

In his opening monologue, the late-night “comedian” gave his hot take on Biden pulling the troops out of Afghanistan. During his praise of the president’s decision, he responded with, “Why should our soldiers be fighting radicals in a civil war in Afghanistan? We’ve got our own on Capitol Hill.” While this may seem like an innocent comment about how the Taliban and the January 6th rioters acted violently, the Taliban is much more dangerous than some idiots dressed as Braveheart.

Let’s unpack this comparison a bit. First, Steven Colbert believes that the January 6th rioters are just as bad if not worse than the Taliban. Now obviously, what happened on January 6th was a horrific, dark day for the U.S. in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election. But is that on the same level as a terrorist organization that kills dissidents and reformers, prevents women from receiving education or pursuing recreational activities, keeps women as sex slaves, and imposes brutal Sharia law on their subjects? Also, while the police have arrested many of the participants in the Capitol siege here in America, the Afghan people have no one to offer security since the Taliban now controls Afghanistan indefinitely.

Colbert isn’t the only rotten apple. Joy Reid, over at MSNBC, compared the religious right to the Taliban, claiming, “A true cautionary tale for the U.S., which has our far religious right dreaming of a theocracy that would impose a particular brand of Christianity, drive women from the workforce and solely into childbirth, and control all politics.” Except that religious Christians don’t hold misogynistic views and value religious liberty in the U.S., which is more than can be said regarding the Taliban.

The real goal here is to conflate all Trump voters with the Taliban to avoid the embarrassment of leaving Afghanistan. Biden’s disastrous move now makes America look weak in the eyes of both our allies and our enemies.

As we near the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, the importance of “Never Forget” has never been so significant. The Biden Administration’s irresponsible withdrawal from Afghanistan now begs the question: have they forgotten?


Picture Credibility: CBS