Dr. Melanie Burkholder Slams Nathan Fletcher During Board Of Supervisors Meeting

Written by: Skyler Dale 

During a contentious four-and-a-half-hour San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, over 100 people addressed the County’s efforts surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic. Of these 100 people, Dr. Melanie Burkholder, a candidate for the 76th District State Assembly, was passionately heard.

As a concerned parent herself, her message was clear: democrat politicians need to “fight for our children.” Dr. Burkholder is a mental health therapist herself, and through her profession, she has witnessed firsthand what the pandemic has truly contaminated our children with. For the past eighteen months, she indicates that children have been susceptible to increased depression, increased anxiety, increased ADHD, and increased suicide rates. Although the pandemic has spelled much fear for our schools, one thing is clear, the side effects of locking children in a room, fixated on a screen for hours on end, leads to insurmountable implications towards their mental health.

During her impassioned plea to the Board of Supervisors, she blasted The Board of Supervisors Chair, Nathan Fletcher, for not paying attention throughout the meeting. She amusingly indicated: “If you just check out his Twitter feed you can see what he’s been doing for the past couple of hours.” Although democrat officials like Nathan Fletcher often saddle up on their high horse as an all-protecting community servant, Dr. Melanie Burkholder showcased that unmounting these politicians is critical, which is exactly why she is running in the next upcoming election.

You can view Dr. Burkholder’s remarks to Nathan Fletcher below: