Gavin Newsom Forces Teachers To Get Vaccinated Or Get Tested Weekly

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

The Democrats care about your children. They do. That’s why the Democrats have locked kids inside their homes for over a year while preventing them from developing social skills through in-person interactions. All to keep your children from contracting a virus that they are unlikely to exhibit symptoms from, statistically. Even with schools reopening, school boards muzzle kids and teachers with mask mandates for the fully vaccinated. And today, Governor Gavin Newsom introduced his latest demonstration against Covid because, of course, he “cares.”

Newsom announced that all teachers must either vaccinate or test weekly for Covid-19 with the rising surge of the Delta Variant. This mirrors similar policies from local school districts in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Long Beach, and Sacramento. But not everyone plans on taking this pandemic power-grab lying down, as the Orange County Board of Education and parents from San Diego are taking legal action against these mandates.

There are specific plot holes with these actions. For example, 77.5% of Californians have already received at least one dose of the vaccine, which is more than three-quarters of the population. Yet the governor says that “It’s not good enough,” not realizing that a 100% vaccination rate is nearly impossible and won’t rid California of Covid.

Another fuzzy area here comes from the weekly testing. If someone tests negative for Covid at work on Monday but contracts the virus on Tuesday, the testing becomes obsolete. Perhaps schools should test teachers every day to be safe, but what if a teacher catches Covid during the school day? Then we test teachers before and after each class to monitor their health, but what if a teacher gets Covid while teaching and could spread it to the students? How about this, we install some Covid device in every teacher to track their Covid status at all times throughout the day and maybe after school to be safe? That seems like the logical conclusion here.

But it was this statement by Newsom that said it all: “We don’t want our kids back on Zoom school. We don’t want our kids back online with all the disparities that were self-evident in another classroom I was in when I asked them how their download speeds are.” So then why don’t you let our kids return to school and ditch Zoom? The reason is that 2022 is not looking good for the Democrats, so they need the fear of Covid instilled in the masses to cling to power. Democrats say they care alright, but only about themselves.