Opinion: In Wake of Cuomo Resignation, Media that Fawned Over Him Must Now Retract

With Andrew Cuomo now resigning from his governorship, the liberal media that once hailed him as the hero of the United States are quickly eating their words and are under scrutiny for their coverage of the soon-to-be-former governor. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic from March to the end of last year, Cuomo became a media darling for his response to the pandemic which they heralded as the best in the country. Andrew appeared multiple times on his brother Chris’ show on CNN where the two had light-hearted and almost unserious interviews, which only boosted Andrew’s public persona. Along with his response to the pandemic was the fact that Andrew Cuomo was single, and many liberal pundits considered him to be the top bachelor in the United States.  Chris Cuomo even said on his show that his brother was “single and ready to mingle”. Liberal pundit Molly Jong-Fast published an article in Vogue titled, “ Why We Are Crushing on Andrew Cuomo Right Now”. 

But now, the people who fell head over heels for Cuomo are having to cover their tracts in the wake of Cuomo’s resignation for sexual harassment claims. Allegations included Cuomo kissing and touching women without their permission and making unwanted sexual advances towards other women. One aide said Cuomo asked her to play strip poker with him. Lindsay Nielsen, an Albany-based investigative reporter said the media failed to report the full story on the culture in his administration, “this isn’t new stuff, you know what I mean? A lot of people knew him and his staff for this toxic culture in these situations and, I guess we didn’t have the same view that the public maybe had with him.” Cuomo also came under fire for his policy of placing elderly COVID patients in nursing homes and hiding the death data. There had been an investigation going on but it was shut down by the Biden DOJ.  Multiple news anchors and pundits praised Cuomo’s COVID policies, such as MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace and CNN’s Brian Stelter. 

The biggest pundit who has been hit the hardest is Chris Cuomo, who many consider being the chief enabler of the glowing coverage Andrew received. Many said that Chris should have stepped away from interviewing his brother and his show altogether. It was also recently revealed that Chris gave advice to Andrew which is considered a massive ethics violation. University of Wisconsin journalism professor Kathleen Culver said, “Chris Cuomo squandered his journalistic independence by getting involved in saving his brother’s political career”. With Andrew’s political career essentially over, Chris’s journalism career could follow suit.