New Poll Shows that People Do Not Think Biden Will Run For Re-election in 2024

Written by Will Hekman

A new poll from Quinnipiac University that was released on Wednesday shows that 54% of Americans do not think that President Biden will run for re-election in 2024, with only one-third of respondents believing that Biden will run for re-election. Only 13% stated that they had no opinion. The answers given also highlighted a partisan divide, with 75% of Republicans and a majority of independents saying that Biden will not run in 2024. Democrats were split on the issue, with 41% saying he would while 45% saying that he would not run. 

It has been speculated for a long time that Biden will not run in 2024 despite announcing that he planned on running. At 78, Biden is the oldest president to have been elected and would be 82 in 2024 and if he won would be 86 at the end of his second term. During his presidency and even during his campaign in 2020, Biden’s mental capacity has come under question. While on the campaign trail, Biden forgot multiple times which state he was in, called his sister his wife, and had outbursts at voters asking him questions. During his presidency, he got lost while in Europe at the G7 conference and had to be whisked away quickly by his staff. Many have speculated that Vice President Harris will take the top of the ticket in 2024 if Biden does not run. 

The poll done by Quinnipiac also asked about the possibility of former President Donald Trump running again in 2024, with 49% believing he will while 39% saying he will not run again. Biden’s approval has also gone down, with a 49% approval rate according to Quinnipiac’s last poll. Trump has criticized Biden since leaving and has highlighted his mental state, saying multiple times that he thinks Biden doesn’t know where he is, or if he is even running the Whtie House.