What We Learned From This Weeks Gubernatorial Debate

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

They call us the party of intolerance, the party of fear-mongering, and worst of all, the party of authoritarianism. Unfortunately, the mainstream media propagate these smear tactics of radical-left politicians to silence us and paint all Republicans as evil America haters. And unfortunately, the rest of the country has bought into the Big Lie. But yesterday, four brave men proved them wrong and showed America that we are, in fact, the party of freedom.

On August 4, Fox 11 Los Angeles hosted the first Gubernatorial debate of the California Recall election on September 14. The event featured four Republican candidates, though this was not a Republican primary debate. The speakers included Businessman John Cox, Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, and Former Congressman Doug Ose, with Hew Hewitt moderating.

Each candidate gave their hot take on a wide range of policies. They ranged from essential issues like treating homeless people with drug addiction problems to the necessary actions of lifting sanctuary state protections and rolling back Medi-Cal for the undocumented. The gubernatorial hopefuls also lambasted Newsom’s handling of small businesses, which led to Californians “voting with their feet,” as Faulconer described, to the blatantly evil CRT indoctrination of our children in schools. Kevin Kiley even pointed out how The California Legislative Jewish Caucus condemned Critical Race Theory as echoing Nazi propaganda, an appropriate characterization of an evil ideology.

Other topics included the fentanyl and opioid crisis arising from the border, defunding the police, replacing Dianne Feinstein (if she retired from the Senate), and the water shortage. Finally, the debate ended with some fun personal questions. Here, we learned that Kevin Faulconer loves cycling, Frank Fat’s is Kevin Kiley’s favorite restaurant, Doug Ose’s unique talent is getting things done, and John Cox revealed that his wife doesn’t like his nose hairs (how charming).

But it was Doug Ose’s remark during his rebuttal to Newsom’s handling of the pandemic when he stated that we need options over mandates, summarizing the debate perfectly. And that’s what this election all comes down to—rejecting career politicians and their bureaucratic lapdogs’ restrictive directions regarding our everyday lives and choosing a governor who will put the people first. Unfortunately, Gavin Newsom has been terrible for California, as all the speakers made clear.

Remember, all Republicans are good Republicans, so it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Just make sure to vote Newsom out and replace him with a more robust American who will make California great. To watch the full debate, click the link below.
