Biden Says Those Who Aren’t Vaccinated Are “Not Nearly As Smart As I Thought You Were”

Written by Sasha Reva

This Tuesday, Biden spoke on the topic of the COVID-19 vaccine and its mandate for all of the federal employees. When asked whether he will create a mask mandate for all federal employees Biden stated, “That’s under consideration right now, but if you’re not vaccinated you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were.” Biden also said that “We are in the pandemic because of all of the unvaccinated people.” Lots of the employees shared their thoughts on the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, and they would rather quit their jobs than take a vaccine. 

There are also some talks, if employees are not planning on getting the vaccine, they have to take COVID tests every single week for which they have to pay from their own pocket and still wear masks. There is still no approval from the FDA that the vaccine works and it is safe for everyone. 

Most Americans don’t know about the difference between emergency use authorization and full FDA approval. When Covid started, multiple companies worked on finding the vaccine for the COVID-19, however, as far as we know, scientists could have to work on the vaccine for years to find the correct formula so it can work for everyone without any complications. 

However, until then the government approved emergency use authorization which allows the use of unapproved medical products to treat, and prevent serious diseases for which there are no approved alternatives. There is no vaccine that is fully approved by the FDA. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have received just emergency approval. 

Pfizer applied for full approval for its vaccine in early May and Moderna in early June. Johnson & Johnson has yet to apply, but they are expecting to apply soon. To receive FDA approval, the agency has to review more data about manufacturing and quality over a longer period of time than it did for the emergency use authorizations. Lots of people agreed to get a vaccine when it gets full approval. Until then, many believe that it is against human rights to force people to get a vaccine that is not fully approved by the FDA.