Newsom Keeps Digging a Bigger Hole for Himself

Written by Amanda Angulo

Gavin Newsom’s plan to get out of this recall seems to be backfiring, and every time he feels like he has room to breathe, he breaks his own rules,

Recently, UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies released a poll that found that 47% of voters would likely recall Newsom, which is set for September 14th, whereas 50% would keep him in office. Among GOP voters, 87% are extremely interested in the recall, as well as 58% of Democrats and 53% of Independents.

While the Newsom administration is trying to grasp at all straws here by signing a bill into a law that allows for MediCal to extend to undocumented immigrants of 50 and older, it falls short. Not only did he not publicly support the bill he signed off on, but the budget also fell short of state-funded health care as he tabled the issue. 

Also, let’s not forget about the French Laundry scandal. Last year, when COVID-19 regulations were strictest, Gov. Newsom was caught at a lobbyist birthday dinner, indoors, no masks, and no social distancing. He was breaking all of his own mandates. 

Well, Twitter went on a rampage on Tuesday when pictures were released of Newsom’s son at a summer basketball camp, in which his son and other kids were maskless, disobeying Newsom’s mask mandate for kids at summer camps. 

Since people began to find out about the picture, Newsom was quick to pull his son out of the camp. His spokeswoman announced that the family was unaware that the camp would not follow regulations and that their children will no longer be attending. 

The pictures surfaced thanks to Reopen California Schools, a group of parent advocates who sued Gov. Newsom over the mask requirement in schools for the fall. Another group created by parents called Let Them Breathe has also sued Newsom over the same rule. This can likely affect him even more in regards to the recall, due to schools opening back up around mid-August, the same time when ballots are sent out by mail. 

Newsom keeps slipping and he knows it. Besides, how can he believe that Californians will vote for someone who can’t simply follow their own rules?