Gavin Newsom Blames California COVID Cases On Everyone But Himself

Written by Jonathan Du Fault

Gov. Gavin Newsom placed the blame for California’s rising COVID cases on the “right-wing pundits” and “the folks that are behind this damn recall.”

 As the recall election looms over Newsom’s head, the governor is starting to panic. These comments come just under two months before California’s special election to recall the governor. 

These comments came at the end of Newsom’s announcement requiring unvaccinated state employees and healthcare employees to test twice a week for COVID and wear a mask at all times. 

The governor’s administration is making a change in a tactic to force the vaccination on people. Instead of allowing the people to choose how they want to handle their personal health, he is now blaming Republicans and those opposed to the vaccine for the rise in COVID cases. To force the unvaccinated to get their shots, he is willing and ready to make their lives as miserable as he possibly can. 

This is not about keeping people safe, but about keeping control of his power. 

Newsom has focused all his attention on the “right-wing echo chamber that has been perpetuation miss information around the vaccine.” 

He accused Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of “profiteering off misinformation” that “comes at a real societal cost.”Last week he engaged in a Twitter war against Rep. Taylor Greene. Greene accused Newsom of running a “communist dictatorship.” Newsom proceeded to call her “murderous” and added, “Your anti-vaccine lies are literally killing Americans.” 

With this new strategy to get Californians vaccinated, there are those who still strongly oppose the Governor. The state’s largest healthcare union’s seemed to be opposed to these new mandates. 

With the recall quickly approaching, Newsom is doing all he can to save himself but is continuing to neglect the state’s needs and the people he represents. He forcing vaccines on those who wish not to take them and humiliating those who refuse.