From Energy Exec To Artist: Hunter Biden’s New Career Path

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Hunter Biden, a man who spent his time collecting money from Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian Gas Company, during his father’s time as VP. A man whose laptop is filled to the brim with pictures of hookers and prostitutes. A man who threatened to take his daughter’s college fund to pay off his luxury cars and sexual escapades. A man who fathered a child while dating his brother’s widow and then denied such charges. But now, this Renaissance man has found his true calling: art.

The president’s middle child has ventured into the field of painting, but this raises concerns for the White House. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said safeguards prevent buyers from influencing Hunter or the president by requiring artwork sales to be sold anonymously. However, this does not deter buyers from announcing their auction win in hopes of getting closer to the Bidens. But who in their right mind would openly admit owning a Biden piece?

What’s even more strange is that many experts say his artwork is good and unlike anything they’ve ever seen. The same experts who told us that Covid spreads exclusively through churches but can’t infect people during race-based protests? His Soho art dealer, George Berges, said that his artwork ranges in price from $75,000 to half a million dollars. Interestingly, George Berges was once arrested and incarcerated for assault.

The mainstream media have deflected criticism of Hunter Biden by focussing on Trump’s family members and the influence they may have had in his presidency, showing they can only engage in what-aboutism rather than hold their members to their standards. Of course, Hunter Biden has the right to pursue his art career. Still, the White House should institute an effective system that prevents buyers from influencing President Biden vs. tearing down our former president. The media desperately needs Trump as a scapegoat for their failed plans. Otherwise, they have to do the impossible: self-improvement.