Texas Democrats That Fled To D.C Test Positive For COVID, Along With Pelosi Aide

Written by Will Hekman

Six Texas House Democrats that fled the state to Washington D.C have tested positive for coronavirus, despite being fully vaccinated. The six Texas lawmakers were a part of 51 Texas Democrats from the Texas House that fled the state for the nation’s capital in protest of an election and voting bill going through the Texas legislature that they believe restricts the right to vote. The first reported case came on Friday when one member tested positive. Two cases were reported the next morning on Saturday after rapid testing and three more positive cases were reported on Monday. 

This continues to complicate the situation in the Texas Legislature. Due to the 51 members of the House leaving the state, a vote can not be brought up as the minimum number of lawmakers needed to do business can not be reached with those members not present. Multiple Republican officials such as Governor Greg Abbott have criticized the Democrats’ absence saying they will be arrested upon return, “As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done.

Everybody who has a job must show up to do that job,”. Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan wished for the well-being and safety of his Democratic colleagues but also stated he would charter a plane to get the fleeing lawmakers back to Texas. Republican lawmakers are attempting to use law enforcement to go retrieve the absent Texas lawmakers but Texas law enforcement has no jurisdiction in Washington D.C which continues to complicate the situation.  

In a major turn of events, an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also tested positive despite being vaccinated after coming into contact with the Texas lawmakers in D.C. According to Pelosi’s office, the aide has not been in contact with Speaker Pelosi. Vice President Kamala Harris met with the fleeing lawmakers recently and then was reported to have visited Walter Reed Medical Center on Sunday, with many speculating that she too became infected despite being vaccinated. 

Photo via KSLA12