Migrants On The Southern Border Seeing Sky High COVID Cases

Written by Jonathan Du Fault

Covid cases have increased over 900% in the Rio Grande Valley Sector as illegal crossings continue to rise. In the first two weeks of July, over 135 detainees tested positive for Covid-19. This number is a 900% increase from the past 14 months.

 The RGV sector is one of the busiest illegal border crossings on the southern border. This section sees over 2,000 apprehensions a day and accounts for more than 60% of all positive cases in detainees according to U.S. Border Patrol. As the Biden administration continues to get a grip of the crisis at the border, U. S. Border patrol agents continue to be at higher risk of contracting the virus. 

The country saw over 188,000 illegal border crossings in the month of June alone- with a 25% increase in families detained. The current administration is not making any headway as they try to resolve this crisis. Even as the situation gets worse, Democrats plan to end Title 42. Title 42 allows for the expulsion of persons who have recently been in a country where the communicable disease is prevalent. 

By removing this title, the United States will be holding people who have been exposed to or are infected with the COVID-19 virus. 

Republicans and former Trump officials have warned of potential health consequences if this were to happen. Officials have pointed out that many other countries are behind the U.S. in their vaccine programs. “Mexico is not where we’re at, the Northern Triangle countries aren’t where we’re at, there are multiple countries in Western Hemisphere that are not where America is at when it comes to vaccines and dealing with COVID,” former acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan told Fox News this month.

The Biden Administration continues to put Americans last and other countries and themselves first.