Biden And The Media Are Lying About Cuba

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Democracy is a vision we all imagine, but only a few can achieve. That’s due primarily to the fact that many idealists focus too much on elections and promising people free stuff vs. checks and balances and limiting the power of government. Democracy cannot take root everywhere people need it, but it could be coming to a country near you.

Decades after Fidel Castro’s communist dictatorship sprung up in the 1950s, and people have grown tired and angry with the government’s policy of repressing pro-freedom sentiment while starving them into subjugation. Therefore, the Cuban people took to the streets in mass protest against the oppressive regime, hoping for change. Every time a country struggles between democracy and totalitarianism, the U.S. should stand by our freedom-fighting allies and promote the spread of the American dream.

But the response from the Biden Administration was underwhelming. A State Department official tweeted that the rallies resulted from the country’s Covid policy and the deaths that ensued. However, this contrasts the slogans shouted by the demonstrators, such as “Freedom” and “Enough,” definitely not words about Covid-19. Finally, the president issued a statement saying America “stands with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom.”

What should the Cuban people expect from Biden? When the terrorist group Hamas bombarded Israel with rockets, this is the same man who could only murmur, “Israel has a right to defend itself.” That is the most rudimentary comment a president can make when referring to our allies, and it’s no different from the current Cuban crisis. The reason, of course, that Biden can’t stand up for the American ideals abroad is because the Squad controls him and the rest of the Democratic party. These self-hating “Americans” blast America and our allies as systemically racist while simultaneously championing the failed economic systems of socialism and communism.

The rallies also featured Cubans waving the American flag, a symbol for freedom worldwide, showing that foreigners are more American than some people born in America. Let’s buy each member of the Squad a plane ticket to Cuba for a week-long vacation so that the message finally sinks in. Socialism sucks!