Raytheon Picks Up Coca-Cola’s Anti-Whiteness Training

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

First, they came for our political avenue, then our school systems, and now our businesses have fallen prey to the woke. For example, Coca-Cola’s new “inclusiveness” training lit the media ablaze with their insistence that workers “be less white,” whatever that means. But who cares about a soda company’s politics? People can boycott their products, and we all live happily ever after. But what about when woke politics seeps into the heart of businesses that our government depends on?

Raytheon, the nation’s second-largest defense contractor, just instituted a new training program called “Stronger Together,” which instructs employees to ‘identify their privilege’ and ‘develop intersectional allyship.’ Additionally, the program encourages white people to shut up and listen to people of colors’ lived experiences while simultaneously claiming that ‘white silence is violence.’

The document goes so far as preventing white people from expressing sympathy for their black colleagues. Phrases like “I can’t wait for things to calm down and get back to normal” and “I’m scared to say the wrong thing to you” are forbidden because they try to excuse white people’s ignorance of black suffering. Instead, this propaganda forces white people to support measures to defund the police, pay reparations, decolonize bookshelves, and join white spaces, moving from the theoretical to the practical.

Meanwhile, the document describes black people as exhausted, mentally drained, frustrated, stressed, barely sleeping, scared, and overwhelmed. This type of blatant racism tries to define race as a bunch of negative stereotypes and assertions vs. what it is, nothing but a melanin level.

With all this talk of white privilege, it seems ironic that the Raytheon CEO who instituted this garbage is a straight white man. Perhaps Greg Hayes should lead by example and resign from his job to allow a worthy black employee to receive that position and rectify past discrimination with future discrimination. But that will never happen because the woke love to impose their ideology on everyone but themselves and avoid the consequences of their hate-filled actions.