BREAKING: Far Left Cori Schumacher Resigns From Carlsbad City Council

Written by Will Seykora

Facing a recall election, far-left Carlsbad City Councilwoman Cori Schumacher has announced her resignation.

Reform California, the group that launched the recall petition, has been hard at work collecting the 3,700 signatures needed to trigger the recall election. Now, days before they were set to submit over 4,500 signatures, in an attempt to save face Schumacher resigns. She says the reason for her resignation is because she was accepted to a university outside of the San Diego area, pretty convenient timing considering it was only a matter of time before she was kicked out of office.

Carl Demaio, the Chairman of Reform California, says that “Today is a big win for the citizens of Carlsbad and removes a toxic presence from Carlsbad city government.” Schumacher also pushed penalties on small businesses in Carlsbad during the COVID lockdowns and opposed the reopening of schools. All ten sponsors of the recall petition are women who are fed up with Schumacher’s misconduct and are ready to see a change in their local government.

Her extreme far-left beliefs and abuse of power are no longer a threat to the safety and wellbeing of Carlsbad, Demaio says “I am pleased that Cori Schumacher’s resignation will give the citizens of Carlsbad a fresh start and a chance to put Schumacher’s misconduct behind them so they can once again focus on the important issues that matter.”

Schumacher’s resignation now leaves Carlsbad city Council district 1 up for grabs, meaning a special election is on the way. Carlsbad residents will face a choice during that election, will they vote in another corrupt and abusive Democrat, or is a change in store for the beach-side city?