Survey Finds That 70% Of California Businesses Are Struggling To Get Customers Back

In a recent California Globe survey, it was found that many California businesses are either struggling to regain customers or failing following the lockdowns. However, the survey goes far more in-depth than just asking about customers.

In a seven-question survey, the California globe asked about the struggles of reopening, mask requirements in businesses, and even the Paycheck Protection Program, a loan that would allow businesses to continue paying workers during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

When asked if they or someone they knew had to close a business in the past two years, about 55% of people said yes. During the COVID-19 lockdowns over 14,000 businesses in California closed permanently, which represents roughly 14% of total closures in the U.S.

About half of those surveyed said they or someone they knew had a hard time reopening their business following the lockdown, with 70% struggling to get back customers and another 60% struggling to get back staff. This is unsurprising due to the ridiculous amount of money people are able to make of unemployment benefits alone right now.

However, it appears that many businesses aren’t too worried about COVID after all, after being forced to close up shop for over a year many businesses are forgoing mask requirements, with 53.5% of those surveyed saying they have no mask requirements and another 25% saying the requirements are only limited to staff.

Over the past year, California has destroyed the small business economy that California once was. Small business openings are at an all-time low and many entrepreneurs fleeing the state to somewhere with no income tax or restrictions on businesses. California used to be the state where dreams could come true, where someone could start a business and live the American dream. However, Newsom and his democrat-held legislature decided to push through authoritarian laws to prevent people from ever becoming successful in our state. With the recall just around the corner, Newsom is surely waking up to the fact that in just a couple of months he’ll be out of a job.