Biden Takes Notes From California, Announces National Door To Door Vaccine Checks

Written by Will Seykora

On Tuesday, Joe Biden announced that he would continue to push his failing vaccine program on millions of Americans who have chosen to not get the vaccine. During his announcement, he stated “We need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oft times, door to door, literally knocking on doors.” in an attempt to persuade Americans to get the vaccine.

This announcement comes after a failed goal of having 70% of eligible people at least partially vaccinated by July 4th. This program clearly being an attempt to make himself seem like a charismatic president. Press Secretary Jen Psaki backed up the plan saying that vaccination efforts would continue, she also never ruled out a federally mandated vaccine program.

California attempted a similar program in May, which failed tremendously. The $10 million contract handed to a month-old non-profit resulted in just .08% of the people they talked to actually getting the vaccine. Although no specifics were given in his announcement, we can expect to see similar results in Biden’s program.

Although no specifics were given during the announcement, we can expect this program to cost upwards of $100 million. As for who this contract will be given to, well that remains to be seen. However, we can hope that it goes out to a non-profit with a little bit more credibility than Healthy Future California.

With Biden showing no plans of slowing down his vaccine efforts, Californians who were contacted earlier in the year about getting their vaccine should be expecting another unexpected (and possibly unwanted) guest showing up at their door. When this new program will begin? We’re not sure yet. Will it fail? More than likely, yes.