This Year’s State Budget Fails Students While Funding Failing Cal Grant System

Written by Joseph Perez

The California State Legislature has passed a budget that was originally supposed to fund more spots for low and middle-income students in the University of California and California State University Systems. Unfortunately, as usual, the budget will not accomplish what it’s supposed to. Instead of ensuring access to affordable college for students throughout the state, Sacramento has passed its “intent” to allocate more funds towards higher education. The money is instead funding the community college Cal Grant program, expanding the program to at least 133,000 more students than last year. The money that could go towards ensuring more students are accepted into the UC and CSU systems is instead going into the pockets of community colleges, which tout a 70% dropout rate collectively.

Politicians in Sacramento are trying to dress this up as a victory for the people of California, however, their inaction is an insult and disgrace to this state as a whole. Despite this being the largest budget to come out of Sacramento in State history, very little is actually going towards education. This comes as the California Citizens Compensation Commission (whose members are appointed by the Governor) approves a 4% increase in the salary of the Governor and State Legislators.

As usual, instead of putting money back in the hands of the Californias who worked for it and deserve it, or at the very least investing in infrastructure to help the average Californian, Sacramento is lining their own pockets.