Mayor Of Austin Voted To Defund The Police, Now The City Has Seen It’s 41st Homicide This Year

Written by Joseph Perez

Steve Adler, the Mayor of Austin, Texas is doing precisely what you are not supposed to do. He is messing with Texas. The dangerous policies pursued by the Mayor and City Council of Austin are placing the loves of their constituents at risk. Last summer, the City of Austin voted to partially defund their police force in response to the radical left-wing agenda currently sweeping across the nation. As a result, the City of Austin has seen a sharp increase in crime.

In 2020, there were 47 recorded murders around the city. Barely halfway through 2021, there have been 41 murders. There is no doubt that Austin will exceed its murder rate from last year. Mayor Adler and the Austin City Government have stated that they are simply trying to bring racial equality and justice to the City of Austin. However, minority communities have seen a rise in crime and are negatively affected by these disastrous knee-jerk policies. Austin is not alone in these results. Oakland also voted to defund their police department and have since seen a 566% increase in homicides in the past year.

In response to this, in order to protect the good people of the Lone State State, Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas State Legislature interceded. House Bill 1900 was passed and signed by Governor Abbott. The bill penalizes any municipality under 250,000 people that defunds the police by cutting the funding they receive from the State. It also allows for certain areas of a defunded city to separate from the city being penalized. It is imperative that more states adopt laws similar to those being adopted in Texas in order to protect our citizens.