Nathan Fletcher Attempts To Silence His Constituents During Board Meeting

Written by Will Seykora

During the first in-person board meeting in over a year Supervisor, Nathan Fletcher asked sheriff’s deputies to clear the board chambers of all non-county personnel for 10 minutes during the public comment portion of the meeting. This came after numerous constituents called Fletcher out for his support and aid in closing San Diego for over a year.

Alysson Hartmann, one of the founders of ReOpen San Diego mocked Fletcher saying “You deserve a huge round of applause, you’ve almost single-handedly destroyed America’s finest city.” Following up with the facts of what the lockdowns actually achieved, higher suicide rates, high depression rates, and triple the amount of fentanyl overdoses in 2020 compared to 2019.

After numerous constituents made their displeasure with Fletcher known he finally showed his true colors. Around 10 a.m. Nathan Fletcher asked sheriff’s deputies to clear the chamber.

During this time the board also left the chamber and after the recess, Fletcher threatened to remove the crowd again. “As we become disruptive, where we are impeding other individuals’ ability to have their voice heard, we will every single time clear the chamber and remove everyone other than county staff.”

Audra Morgan, a constituent who had spoken before Fletcher cleared the room, also gave a presentation about the county Fire District and emergency medical services. Fletcher then responded by asking if their comments were relevant to the topic at hand.

An attorney representing a group called “Keepers of the Nuremberg Code” spoke out and said it is illegal to keep people out of a meeting. She also voiced her concerns about the power some of the agenda items would give the county regarding a person’s right to choose to get the vaccine or not, saying the items would “give too much power to a county health official to make decisions that are not that person’s right to make.”

After a year of being able to parade around San Diego with the power to fine, or even arrest those without masks Nathan Fletcher feels as if he is now the sole judge of San Diego. His COVID-induced power trip has only gotten worse as he’s taken more power for himself and prevented those who disagree from voicing their opinions.