Gavin Newsom Plans To Expand Medi-Cal To Undocumented Immigrants

Written by Greg Marchetto

Early this year, Californians were braced for severe budget cuts. In the last year, unemployment hit record-high rates, the economy was in ravaging decline, all causing the state of California to have one of the highest deficit totals of any state during the pandemic. 

Just a year later, Gavin Newsom is introducing budget increases across the board, especially in Medi-Cal coverage. In May, Governor Newsom announced the state had a $78 billion surplus- a number that is misleading once constitutionally mandated spending on schools, community colleges, and debt payments are taken into account. The real surplus estimate of $38 billion came on the heels of record growth for big tech and silicon valley companies in California, while lower and middle-class families struggled to find employment, amongst other things. 

Now with a surplus, and the COVID-19 pandemic drastically declining in California Newsom isn’t looking to pay back the drastic debts accrued by the state of California, provide relief for small businesses, or crack down on big tech. Instead, the new budget proposes a drastic increase of $105.7 million in Medi-Cal spending, to take care of undocumented immigrants 50 years or older, and extend post-pregnancy benefits from 60 days to a year amongst many things. 

Border states like California have already seen the perilous consequences of illegal immigration-friendly bills that have been pushed by the White House and radical democrats, namely a border crisis they are still ignoring to this day. Now, a free, taxpayer funded-healthcare program only incentivizes more migrants to cross the border illegally and worsen the already cramped conditions at border detainment facilities, encouraged by Democrats.

Further, the bill calls into question Newsom’s loyalty for legal Californians, who only qualify for publicly-funded healthcare at the age of 65, even after being California state tax-payers for decades. In essence, Newsom’s bill would take care of illegal migrants 15 years before his own constituents. On the other hand, he also leaves thousands of small businesses still reeling, after big-tech claimed up most of the business stimulus money.

California voters have left little doubt about their opinions on Governor Newsom’s policies. With recall efforts hitting full swing, Newsom must be crystal clear with his priorities- or he risks his own career.