Biden’s Approval Ratings Continue to Drop, Democrats Becoming Worried

Written by Will Hekman

According to a new Monmouth University Poll, President Biden’s approval ratings have dropped below 50%, the first time since his inauguration that he has dropped below 50%. “Biden currently holds a job rating of 48% approve and 43% disapprove,” Monmouth University said in a poll released on Wednesday. “This is down from his 54% approve and 41% disapprove rating in April.” 

The poll also has many democrats scared when you like further into the poll. The poll found that less than a third of Independents and less than a fifth of Republicans approve of Biden’s job as president. The poll also showed a massive drop in optimism among Democrats. In April, 83 percent of Democrats felt that the country was moving in the right direction.

In the Monmouth Poll, just 59 percent of Democrats felt the country was headed in the right direction. The Monmouth Poll pointed out that two major points contributed to the drop in approval, the growing fear of inflation caused by government spending and conditions regarding the middle class.

According to the poll, “ Most Americans express some level of concern that these plans could lead to inflation, including nearly half (47%) who are very concerned about this possibility and 24% who are somewhat concerned. Those who are at least somewhat concerned about prices rising due to the proposed spending include majorities of Republicans (93%), independents (70%), and Democrats (55%).” 

CNBC also reported similar findings last week that Americans’ fear of inflation has reached an all-time high. Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary under President Clinton and Director of the National Economic Council under Obama stated that the massive amount of spending by the Biden administration could become disastrous.

“If you looked at how the economy was coming into this year, we had total wages and salaries coming to people were 20 or 30 billion dollars a month lower because many of them had to be home because of COVID and the economy was slowed,” Summers also said, “But we put in a stimulus that was putting into the economy more than 200 billion dollars a month. And so when you take a hole and you overfill it, you’re likely to have problems.” 

With a growing inflation problem and distrust for the administration, Biden could be headed towards disaster that could spell massive political losses in the future for both him and the Democratic Party.