Newsom Runs New Ad Campaign To Combat The Recall

Written by Jonathan Du Fault

Governor Newsom is doing all he can to stop the looming recall. In what he calls a “Campaign to Stop the Republican Recall,” Newsom is launching three new TV ads. These ads are designed to highlight the Governor’s efforts as the pandemic comes to an end. Newsom claims that “Trump Republicans” and “right-wing Republicans” are behind the recall. 

He believes that the recall started after the January 6th vote verification by Vice President Pence. One of the new ads states “the same Trump Republicans who refused to accept the presidential election are back, passing voter suppression laws across the country. Now they’ve set their sights on California, wasting hundreds of millions of our tax dollars abusing the process to recall Gov. Newsom.” 

What this campaign seems to miss is that the recall started over a year ago when Californians became unhappy with how the governor handled the COVID-19 pandemic. People became very upset after pictures of Newsom and his family surfaced of them at a party in Northern California. The photos showed the Newsom’s not practicing the protocols the governor himself had put into place.  A recent poll has found that 78% of Republicans and 15% of Democrats support the recall efforts. 

The ad also claims the recall efforts will be “wasting hundreds of millions of our tax dollars abusing the process to recall Gov. Newsom.” It overlooks the governor’s $116.5 million vaccination campaign. In an effort to buy the recall election, Governor Newsom was promising money to people who received their vaccination between May 27 and June 15.

While things seemed to be looking up for the governor after the release of this plan, Newsom announced the plans for returning to school. These plans include continued mask mandates for grades k 5-12 until October at the earliest. This plan angered many parents who believe they should choose if their child should wear a mask to school or not.

The special election is scheduled to take place in November but could happen as early as late August. Many Democrat leaders want the vote to happen sooner than later “to cut short the opportunity for COVID-19, wildfires or opponents to hurt the governor’s chances” says Senator Steve Glazer, D-Orinda. Even leaders of the California Democrat Party are worried that something could hurt the governor’s chances of keeping his job. This is a sign that he is a poor leader and should not remain in a position that calls for making hard decisions. California has already seen Newsom put himself before the people time and time again.

The new ads are set to cycle over the next few days. John Cox and Kevin Faulconer, two of the leading Republican gubernatorial candidates have already launched statewide ad campaigns.